
Q   U   A   R   R   Y  and  S   T   O   N   E   W   O   R   K   S


      Quarried Stone
        -building stone
        -architectural details

      Reclaimed Stone









(link to)
  Architectural Salvage 
   Reclaimed Stone
   Bed & Breakfast

 “Architecture is the art  which so disposes and
adorns the edifices raised by man, that the sight of them may contribute to his mental health, power, and pleasure.
” ~ Ruskin



Quoins (corners)
A R C H I T E C T U R A L   D E T A I L S

The quoins or outside corners of each structure were also opportunities to set the building apart from others. Some craftsman simply cut each corner others would draft the margin. Some craftsman used this opportunity to distinguish and accent their structures with sawn details. Whatever the choice the quoins are a feature that defines the quality of the craftsman that cut and installed them. This is a point where the builder would take special care to cut and set each stone. A corner out of true would not set plumb and would reflect poorly all the way down the line and on the master in charge.

We will recreate the quoins of the Kansas prairie to fit your design. Please peruse our CATALOG OF HISTORIC DESIGN and share with us your thoughts and ideas.



“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”
~ Louis Nizer


Bluestem Quarry and Stoneworks
5010 Highway 232  Lucas, KS  67648
Toll Free (866) 567-3110
All Content © 2007, Bluestem Stoneworks

Questions regarding the website may be directed to the webmaster.